Executive Coaching
Main Purpose
The aim of Executive Coaching is to provide robust support to senior leaders on issues relevant to their personal and professional development, their leadership role, executive and organisational agendas and career development.
Few people at the top of organisations have peers with whom they can discuss issues openly. Executive coaching provides a confidential space where issues can be discussed safely and effectively. By doing so, it enhances personal performance and supports business imperatives.
As a leader in your organisation you appreciate that your personal performance is key to success in your role. The challenges of leadership are many and the opportunity for growth is rewarding.
Benefits of Executive Coaching
For the Individual
Heightened self-awareness
Improved self-regulation
Higher levels of emotional intelligence (EQ)
Boost in cognition at work
Increased levels of motivation
Developed soft skills
Improved leadership abilities
For the Organisation
Helps identify and develop high potential employees
Supports succession planning
Increases employee and staff engagement
Empowers individuals and encourages them to take responsibility
Improves performance and helps identify organisational development opportunities
When will coaching prove useful?
When you want to keep things going well
During times of change, major challenge, uncertainty and disruption
When taking on new roles and responsibilities
When changes in personal behaviour seem necessary
When you need more from your team and your team needs more from you
When looking after yourself better as a leader needs attention
When your confidence and presence need re-building
When other supports are missing or not working